2nd Tattoo Expo Maastricht
room MECC Maastricht
directions Forum 100, Maastricht, Limburg
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After the success of the first edition, a second edition is of course inevitable: The Tattoo, Body Art and Street Art Convention in Maastricht is about to kick off again! During the weekend of March 28th and 29th, the tattoo event of the south Netherlands will take place at the MECC Maastricht.
The Tattoo, Body Art and Street Art Convention is an international event in which tattoo artists from home and abroad participate.
Also at this convention: The Tattoo Preservation Service, which uses a careful and scientific method to preserve tattooed skin after death. This way your tattoo turns into a work of art that remains forever. Religious organization ‘De Kracht van de Veilige Naald’ ('The Strength of the Safe Needle') is present to promote the acceptance of tattoos and will be tattooing, free of cost, the symbol of the oldest religion in the world - Tatooism - on everyone that wants it.
This year we have something very special: At the same time the Tattoo Convention is taking place, the erotic fair Erotiek aan de Maas 2015 will be held in the adjacent hall at the MECC.
Opening hours:
Saturday March 28th from 11.00 - 22.00 and Sunday March 29th from 11.00 - 20.00