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Maidstone’s first tattoo convention, held at the Kent’s Greatest Showground, April 15th & 16th 2017 the John Hendry Pavilion, will host tattoo artists for a weekend of tattooing, live music and performers, trade stands and a bar with a child and adult fun fair outside along with somne cool cars and motor bikes on show, charity fundraising, along with food for all people. tickets are £7 for adults and £3 for kids aged 10 yrs to 16 yrs with free parking. Come and enjoy a weekend of tattooing at the Detling showground. April 15 and 16th 2017.
We have some great stalls lined up including a nail bar, barbers/ hair dressing, clothing sales jewellery stalls and some cool sweet stands offering a massive variety and then we have pin stripping and air brush artists coming up to show what they can do, quirky food stalls offering browines and cup cakes and much more.
Tattoo supplies will be offered by Global tattoo supplies and tattoo equipment Centre will be showing what they have.
Arek Akhil Kaniewski – Underground Tattoos
Duncan Lambert – Manhattan Ink
Bill Zolo – In Skin
Rick Shaw – Broken Puppet Tattoo
Chloe, Pete Oz, Danny Brown & Gary Hanson – Tanuki Tattoo
Grant Martin
Marley Paine – The Belly Bar
Misty Rose, Wes & Lweis – Misty Rose Tattoo
Kirsty Wood
Victorija Beikule – 14 Arrows
Sean Baird – Shady’s Custom Tattoo
Dan, Aaron & Jack- Life Family Tattoo
Ileen & Zak Breakspear – High Tide Tattoo Studio
Finn Guthrie – Zink Studios
Michael Silk – The Hero Lounge Tattoo Studio
Dave & Mike – Bobinski’s Tattoo
Saturday: 10.00 – 22.00
Sunday: 10.00 – 19.00
£7 for adults
£3 for kids aged 10 years to 16 years