18. Tattoo Expo Saar
room Hermann-Neuberger-Halle
directions Stadionstraße, 66333, Völklingen, Regionalverband Saarbrücken
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Saar Tattoo Expo 2024
This year, it will take place in the Hermann-Neuberger-Halle. Over 100 national and international tattoo artists. They will provide insights into their work and take trade fair visitors into a world in which color, pain, longings, and fulfillment go deep under the skin.
Everything to do with body art will be on offer. The dealers offer all kinds of accessories. Starting with the tattoo machine, tattoo inks, piercing jewelry, prints, shirts and accessories, you can find everything here.
Tattoo expo 2017
Tattoo Expo Saar is the experience fair that you will remember forever.