14th Zaragoza Tattoo Convention
room Palacio de Congresos de Zaragoza
directions Plaza Lucas Miret Rodriguez 1, 50018, Zaragoza, Provincia de Zaragoza
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Zaragoza Tattoo Convention 2024
Get ready for Zaragoza Tattoo Convention at Palacio de Congresos de Zaragoza from 13 to 15 September 2024 in Zaragoza, Spain.
The facilities of the Zaragoza Conference Center will once again become, for three days, the domains of Tattoo Art lovers from all over Europe, who will come to see and enjoy how Tattoo conquers more territories in society every year.
The main stage will shine with its own light thanks to the stars of the entertainment world who will show their art on it. Their contribution completes a reference event at the European level with the participation of the best tattoo artists in the world, who will come from all continents.
Hosted by Spain – Tattoo Conventions