Usually I turn down most cover ups, or I recommend the client to come back after a few laser sessions, but if you swipe left, you can see why I loved doing this project so much. We covered up an old flame's tattoo with a family of three sea turtles to represent him, his wife, and their newly born, Rosie. The top picture is the aftermath of 10 laser sessions, so let's give Kudos to Leo for not only wanting to fix a past mistake, but then also to better himself for the sake of family and love. Keep in mind that you have to wait up to 6-8 months between each laser session, so think about the determination for this guy! So please, if you want a good cover up, be a gentleman like Leo and do your artist a favor and consider some laser sessions. Technology is amazing these days, and only getting better. It was such a pleasure meeting you and your family, Leo! And as always, thank you to my dearest JK for referring these wonderful people to me.
- En Mujeres
Subido por Little Tattoos Hace 6 años, tatuado Hace 6 años
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